Sunday, May 9, 2010

Think About It

Have you ever just sat down and thought or pondered something? Nothing deep. Just a pure simple thought.

I'm getting ready to launch a new blog on makeup, skincare and mostly, nail polish. The name of the blog has to be catchy, explain in a few words what it is about and mostly, it has to have meaning. Meaning to me, then to my readers.

Titles were mulling around in my head. I had spent the evening researching other blogs and what they were called. Looking for inspiration, I found that other bloggers had done play on words, some has used their name in the title and many made the name something personal and close to them.

Without listing all the names that got me inspired, there were a lot (!) of them, many of them were giving me ideas. But it wasn't until I just sat on my bed, surrounded by the quiet and, let my mind wander that I came up with a few that have potential. There was no pressure to hurry up and come up with something. There was, actually, no right or wrong answer. It was just something that was going to be a pure creation out of my own thoughts.

My goal is to give an informative and fun blog about something I find fun: makeup. And my current, I mean fascination is with nail polish. I have lots and lots of ideas for the blog but, the most creative part was coming up with the name.

It wasn't necessary to get the name first and then the content. I allowed my creative side to just develop as the idea went along. Many times in the past, I felt I had to start off at the very beginning; coming up with a title and then the content. A year ago I had to write a paper for a class in Human Resources. Even though I knew what the subject was, I couldn't get past coming up with a title. I was stuck! After a considerable amount of whining, my husband told me to skip that part, just start writing! Well...duh! Sounds so easy, and it was. However, why in the world was I allowing myself to be stuck on doing the title first?

It seems that when I was a school kid, OK, that was a long time ago, however....when I was in school, the current way of teaching was to start at the beginning. Doesn't do much for creativity but, we were not being taught creativity. What would come if you ended up going to a liberal arts school. So, how completely stuffy was that thinking? Please, do tell me that education doesn't follow that train of thought anymore!!! Eeps!

And so, to those who feel they are not creative (yes, I thought I was, but I had to do it in a linear fashion), allow me to give you an alternative. What to create something? Start with where your first thought comes from. Is it a subject for a book? Is it an idea of a sweater you want to knit? Is it a room you want to decorate? If it involves creativity, give yourself permission to start wherever you want! Start at the beginning, if that suits you or, start at the end and then jump to the front. Doesn't matter...just start. And, we won't tell your teacher that you got out of line.

What are your current goals and where will you start?